The world’s largest online music-listening service Spotify is once again in trouble because of the copyright issues. This time, the problem may be very challenging because the requested amount goes up to $ 150 million.
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A musician and songwriter David Lowery accused Spotify because of intentionally and unlawfully distribute the songs without the license. According to the case file, illegal music distribution has reached more than 75 million users, while Spotify has failed to pay the license fees to musicians. Interestingly, Lowery’s claim was verified with a public announcement by Spotify a while ago. Spotify indicates that information about the author is often incomplete or incorrect Worldwide, and especially in the United States. Because of this problem, Spotify is working on the new licensing agreement and publishing methods with National Music Publishers Association.
In Spotify explanation, perhaps a bit naive way, the determination of whether copyright should be paid to whom every moment is not possible and, therefore the payment of the author was told to stand aside until determination.