Search results for: chemical

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Theater Audience Can Actually Change The Chemical Composition Of The Air And Affects Your Feelings

It is possible for scientists to measure the way in which the chemicals exhaled by audiences when watching a film alters the air around...

Bridging the Gender Gap in Drug Safety: A New Tool Reveals How Drugs Affect Men and Women Differently

Researchers at UVA Health have introduced an innovative tool that promises to revolutionize the world of medicine by uncovering how medications affect men and...

Closest Black Holes to Earth? Study Points to Hyades Star Cluster

A groundbreaking discovery in the realm of astrophysics has ignited excitement among scientists worldwide. Recent research, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal...

IL-17 Protein: A Key Player in Skin Aging and Potential Therapeutic Target

Skin ageing is a natural process characterized by various structural and functional changes that lead to the deterioration and fragility associated with age. A...

Electric Vehicles Have an Efficiency Problem: Addressing the Challenges

Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant popularity in recent years as a sustainable alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. They offer reduced emissions,...

