Like always politicians keep the media busy with stupid stuff and instead of accepting their fault on increasing the threat of terrorism. They are trying to make people think these is technology companies fault. And pointing their fingers to Apple, Google or any other tech firms.
With this last attack in Paris, authorities learn that terrorists are using social media or some apps the communicate. So the politician who should work on a useful solution to this problem. They are choosing the easy way with pointing out the smartphones manufacturers.
Apple CEO Tim Cook claimed even their company has no access to user data and they will not put a backdoor in their devices. One of the other reasons that authorities wants to access the user data that many people who are child pornographers, drug traffickers and other criminals are using Facebook, Apple and Google to communicate with each other.
So, it is true that criminals are using smartphones or websites to communicate with each other, but even you give the access to data, in the internet world, there is always the other way. If you want to catch the terrorist, use the military and intelligence agencies spies for that, we are already wasting trillion dollars in that area. Do you wish to get the drug traffickers, try to control drug use or just legalize marijuana Uruguay did it a couple of years ago, and crime level rapidly went down. And we already know cannabis is less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol. The point I want to tell the politician just want to avoid what should be done and goes for the easy way. Just blame someone, one of the best one is Donald Trump…