Thursday, September 19, 2024
22.6 C
New York

Search results for: Neurons

Developing Human Neurons for Treatment of Severe Spinal Cord Injuries

In a breakthrough discovery, researchers at Northwestern University have developed highly mature neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells...

Researchers Discover Neurons are Much More Flexible Than We Thought

It was once believed that memories are formed by hardwiring information into the brain in a highly stable manner....

A New Method Tracks Unique Neurons and Brain Activity to Specific Actions in Zebrafish

The new method, discovered by scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried, can help researchers recognize...

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Neurons Communicate in a Way We Never Imagined

A major breakthrough has just been made in the healthcare industry as researchers discover a new mechanism that has...

Understanding Brain Plasticity, How Adult Neurons Get Wired-in?

Neurobiology is a vast subject that covers many different areas. One area that is covered as part of this...

Zebrafish Reveal New Strategies for Spinal Cord Regeneration

Zebrafish, a unique group of vertebrates, have an extraordinary ability to fully heal a severed spinal cord, providing valuable...

7 Key Distinctions Between the Brain and the Mind

In this article, we explore seven intriguing differences between the brain and the mind, shedding light on the fascinating...

How Graphene Oxide Offers Hope in Reducing Alzheimer’s Protein Toxicity

Alzheimer's disease, a heart-wrenching affliction affecting millions worldwide, stands as an ongoing challenge in medical research. The accumulation of...

Unveiling the Root Cause of Parkinson’s Disease: A Major Breakthrough

For years, the enigma of Parkinson's disease has plagued the medical world, leaving us with limited treatment options and...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Alzheimer’s: A Breakthrough in Lipoprotein Research

Researchers have unveiled a groundbreaking method to peer into the intricate world of lipoproteins in the central nervous system,...

Clearing Senescent Cells in Alzheimer’s Disease: Promising Results from Phase I Clinical Trial

Alzheimer's disease, a leading cause of dementia in the United States, affects millions of individuals, causing profound cognitive impairment....

Unveiling New Results in the Search for the Seat of Consciousness

Scientists worldwide gathered at the prestigious 26th Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 26) meeting in New...