A new tool has been created that allows academics and those within the industry to see how much energy one particular area could generate solely by using the wind or solar farming. It’s an interactive web tool that’s been created by a team from Imperial College London and ETH Zurich and is called Renewables.ninja.
As part of the testing phase for renewables.ninja, a productivity of all wind farms planned for the next 20 years, and those already in existence was estimated and published in the journal, Energy. The results show that wind farms in Europe currently have an average capacity factor of approximately 24 percent, but with the installation of extra wind farms further out to sea where the winds are stronger, this is expected to rise to around 31 percent.
In another study, solar panels were modeled across Europe and the results showed that even in places like the United Kingdom, which is not known for being particularly sunny, solar power was still able to outshine nuclear power and produce more power in the same period. But, to properly take advantage of the benefits of solar power we need to be able to store the extra energy also, hence the need for batteries.
The renewables.ninja tool uses data gathered from the past 30 years from organizations such as NASA to be able to accurately predict the wind speed and other factors that may affect how much energy the turbines and solar panels can generate in that one particular area. It has been tested vigorously over the past six months and now has users from 22 different countries, including the European Commission and the International Energy Agency.
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