Most people are now aware that we need to take certain measures to protect ourselves, our environment, our wildlife and our planet and everywhere you go nowadays there is always a green product or project jumping out at you. This is a great thing and we can only hope that as more people jump on board the green bus, then more great ideas will arise from it, just as the world of energy IT has.
Energy IT is a relatively new field and has been developed out of the need make even more efficient the different channels of renewable energies. One California based company that has been concentrating on this area since 2007 is eSolar. They have been building and specialising in the use solar power plants and had an innovative idea that may just change this field as we know it.
Their solar power plants used the natural rays from the sun to bounce the reflections from special mirrors over to a central tower where water would get heated and in turn would drive the turbine. Instead of concentrating on expensive, custom-made mirrors to drive the turbines, they decided to get a little smarter than that and use sophisticated tracking software to position cheaper mirrors and instead achieved a much better result.
Some sceptics are concerned that solar power is still not efficient or plentiful enough to meet the huge demands of many cities, but as research continues it is certainly a possibility that is too good not to ignore. By using the special software to calculate the most efficient angles of the mirrors, scientist are not only cutting the cost of start up costs of the plants, but also the running costs. With materials set to continue to rise, and technology getting smaller and more efficient, Energy IT is definitely the field to be backing in hopes for fast, efficient renewable energy sources and more may be on their way sooner than we thought.
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