Professional business network LinkedIn completely changed the design of the application in iOS, and Android platform has opened the door to a new experience to users.
As you know, we have seen some design changes that in messaging space design updates and adding new features to the web version of LinkedIn for a while.After the web version updates, LinkedIn restructured mobile applications with the most radical ever.Therefore, the face of both iOS and Android mobile application completely changed at the same time.The conspicuous feature of the first mobile application is that having more spacious on the main page with a new design. Here, a main flow design almostly inspired by Facebook attracts our attention.
Manager Joff Redfern, who is responsible for LinkedIn products, announced these updates on official LinkedIn blog.Redesigned LinkedIn now allows to have more control your profile and helps you to expand your network easily.LinkedIn has nearly completed the transformation of mobile applications with this update, mobile applications and it seems that LinkedIn considers the user experience (UX) design elements to update.