Kilobots are very small swarm robots that were invented by the Self-organizing Systems Research Group at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They were given the name Kilobot as up to 1,000 of them can work together to execute commands and carry out tasks that individual robots could not manage alone.
They were first created in order to mimic behavior observed in regards to natural swarms such as fish or birds and because they work off a lithium-ion battery they can run efficiently for around 3-12 hours depending on how active it is. The cost of these miniature bots is relatively inexpensive, and they can be used for a number of different applications. They have the ability to move large objects by working together and can also be programmed to have many bots following one leader bot. Fitted with sensors, these clever little Kilobots can also synchronize their behavior with one another such as simultaneously blinking lights. This is called collective artificial intelligence and is one of the aspects that makes these bots so great.
Kilobots have been used as a teaching tool for various groups of people, including children in developing countries. They are also a cheap form of a swarm-bot that can be bought for research or educational purposes. By developing and further studying the Kilobot, scientists are hoping to gain a deeper understanding as to the various swarms that are found in nature and could even lead to breakthroughs about our own cells and the ability to program them.
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