Nano word means one by billion.And ’Nano Technology’ represents one billionth of a meter.One of the most interesting initiatives in this area ‘NanoCar Race’ will be held in France.
The NanoCar Race is a race where molecular machines compete on a nano-sized track. A NanoCar is a single molecule-car that has wheels and a chassis… and is propelled by a small electric shock.
The race will be invisible to the naked eye: a unique microscope based in Toulouse, France, will make it possible to watch the competition.The NanoCar race is mostly a fantastic human and scientific adventure that will be broadcast worldwide.
The French southwestern town of Toulouse is preparing for the first-ever international race of molecule-cars: five teams will present their car prototype during the Futurapolis event on November 27, 2015. These cars, which only measure a few nanometers in length and are propelled by an electric current, are scheduled to compete on a gold atom surface next year. Participants will be able to synthesize and test their molecule-car until October 2016 prior to taking part in the NanoCar Race organized at the CNRS Centre d’élaboration des matériaux et d’études structurales (CEMES) by Christian Joachim, senior researcher at the CNRS and Gwénaël Rapenne, professor at Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, with the support of the CNRS.
You can also Read the race regulations
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